GSPS Password Sync

Attempting to run Google Workspace Password Sync (GSPS) on a Domain Controller and getting error 0x80070002 or 0x80070057? Running app version If you have another network adapter on the server that doesn’t have internet access (local network connection), that could be the problem. Disable every network adapter except one with internet access. Changing the… Continue reading GSPS Password Sync

Personal Devices and Google Workspace Accounts

Every organization that handles sensitive or confidential data needs to have the ability to remove that data from any device in order to comply with legal requirements. If an organization doesn’t have this ability, it is a liability for the employee and employer. When someone leaves an organization (end of contract, resigns, laid off, etc.)… Continue reading Personal Devices and Google Workspace Accounts

Your new Google Workspace account

Hi there! A new Google Workspace account has been created for you! Google Workspace is a collection of apps made by Google that will (hopefully) make work easier, more efficient, and enjoyable. The “Google Apps” you will most commonly use are: Gmail – incredibly powerful email. Meet –  voice & video conferencing. Calendar – scheduling, and sharing calendars.… Continue reading Your new Google Workspace account